April is for flowers and oral health! A bright smile is like a ray of sunshine on a beautiful spring day, so could there be a better time to focus on your oral health care?
A good oral health care routine is key to more than just healthy teeth and gums. Not only can pain and discomfort in the mouth be signs of more serious health issues, like oral cancer or other chronic diseases, but infections or missing teeth can also affect your mental wellness, your confidence and your ability to socialize.
This month, take note to take care of your smile with our favorite tips for your overall oral health.
An apple a day: Make healthy food choices
A well-balanced diet is wonderful on so many levels, and from root to enamel, can go a long way to protect and strengthen your teeth. Avoid sugary and acidic foods that can cause erosion and decay. Make sure to eat foods rich in calcium (like cheese and milk), and fruits and vegetables that are crunchy and firm are a part of your diet.
The rule of ‘3’
What is the rule of 3? Brush your teeth twice a day (morning and night), and floss at least once. Brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride based toothpaste, and flossing helps to remove harmful bacteria and prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar.
Is your floss game on point? Check out our tips and tricks to flossing the right way.
Stop smoking
Easier said than done, but smoking is a number one cause of oral cancer, along with other common mouth related problems, including staining of your enamel and bad breath. Want a healthy smile? Put down the cigarette! This little factoid might help: many smokers chew gum when they’re working on quitting, and did you know that chewing gum can be good for oral health?
Schedule regular dental checkups
For whatever reason, people tend to only think of their dentist when something goes wrong, but your dentist is your friend! Scheduling regular checkups with your dentist will keep your mouth healthy and fresh – a happy smile will last awhile!
When was the last time you visited your dentist? Contact Dentistry on 7 to book an appointment, we’re looking forward to seeing you!