We all know that brushing twice a day and being friendly with your floss are part of a proper oral health care routine, but maintaining a happy mouth starts with what you feed it! Keep these dental friendly food facts in mind the next time you hit the grocery store:
Load Up On Calcium
A tooth’s first line of defense is its rock hard outer layer – the enamel. Keep these enamel-friendly food choices handy: cheese, chicken (or other meats), nuts, and milk. Did we just say cheese? You bet we did. These foods are thought to help protect enamel by providing calcium and phosphorus, which are instrumental in remineralizing teeth (a natural process by which minerals are redeposited in tooth enamel after being removed by acids).
Steer Clear of the Candy Aisle
Who doesn’t have a sweet tooth? There aren’t very many folks who can resist the siren song of a chocolate bar or a handful of jelly beans, but you should really limit yourself to once or twice a week. Enjoy nature’s bounty instead! Bonus: crunchy fruits and vegetables do double duty – the higher water content of these foods dilutes the effects of sugars contained within them.
Ask For A Glass of H20
Thirsty? Don’t sip on soda or other sugar-laden beverages all day – this constant exposure to sugar is what leads to decay. Opt for water (especially fluoridated), milk, and unsweetened tea instead.
Share A Stick …
… of sugar-free gum, that is. It has been proven that chewing sugarless gum can actually be beneficial to your teeth, by helping to dislodge food that may become stuck, and increasing saliva flow to neutralize acids in the mouth.